Cashier Screen Overview

The Cashier area of the Full Menu contains features that are typically used by front desk personnel.



The Cashier area includes the following features:

Cashier Section of the Full Menu table

Post to Folio: Click here for access to the Posting Screen and Statement window, which allows you to post to a Guest Folio.

Check Out: Click here to allow you to check a guest or group out of your property, after which their Folio for this visit will become history (HIST) rather than In-house (FOL).

Re-Check-in: If you have, for some reason, a guest or group master that was checked out that day which needs to be checked in again, this command allows you to do so. Once complete, the stay's status changes (back) from HIST to FOL.

Print a Statement: Click here to generate a PDF of a guest or group statement. The PDF appears in a new browser window. From this window you can select to save, print, email or otherwise manipulate the statement as needed.

Shift Report: Click here to see the Shift Report. The shift report shows all deposit and payment types that your property has set up, and the revenue that each deposit/payment has brought in for the day.  

Hotel Postings Scan Report: Click here view a Hotel Posting Scan Report. This report allows you to enter search criteria and display or report on all the postings that occur in your system, based on the search criteria entered. You may show postings by type (all postings, only corrections, adjustments, or transfers), and date range. You can also select to show all stays or just those that are currently active (with in house or reservation status).


Date Updated June 13, 2022